Nick is an experienced full stack web developer, and love photography
Running the same WordPress code with all credentials on multi-environment (like local, staging & live site) is not an easy job. The following code will make it easy. Its added multi config file to WordPress and can save different credential with no conflict. Get started First download the following code and then add it to
Rsync, (remote sync), is a remote & local file synchronization tool. It uses a special way that minimizes the amount of data copied by only moving the portions of files that have changed(which is will be fast and save bandwidth). Rsync structure is:rsync <option> <src> <destination> options for rSync:-v: Tells rsync to run into verbose mode-r: Recursive, required
In order to use git Check git version Command: git -version If not install, add it to your server (Centos) sudo yum install git-all Create local Repository: Command: git init Add all file to your local git command: git add -u * Commit them to your local repository command git commit <file> -m “some comment”
In order to do that you need to do 2 things: 1) Edit .htaccess file 2) Generate sh1 hash key for your password.(use this page to generate sh1 passwosh hash) 2) Add it to .htpass file (all user and hashed-password) and upload to server. 1) Add the following lines to your .htaccess file: [crayon-67a8342f948c6600956624/] 2)