what is it? when you want to record the current state of the working directory, but want to go back to a clean working directory or switching the branch without committing any code and losing any file. The command saves your local modifications away and reverts the working directory to match the HEAD commit. How to use
What is it? Choosing a commit from one branch and apply it to another. without merging all the changes. How to do that? first, checkout to the destination branch [crayon-67a8375b962b9189330472/] then find the commit hash you want to use and add use the following code to apply that into the current branch: [crayon-67a8375b962c3851808509/] what about
In order to use git Check git version Command: git -version If not install, add it to your server (Centos) sudo yum install git-all Create local Repository: Command: git init Add all file to your local git command: git add -u * Commit them to your local repository command git commit <file> -m “some comment”