cssphp is a cool tools to compile SCSS file in PHP. SCSS is a CSS preprocessor language that adds many features like variables, mixins, imports, nesting, color manipulation, functions, and control directives. scssphp is ready for inclusion in any project. It includes a command-line tool for running the compiler from a terminal/shell or script. How to use
composer/installers is for PHP package authors to require in their composer.json. It will install their package to the correct location based on the specified package type. website: Example of the composer.json file in the template folder add the following code to the root of the template folder with the correct name and update the type to
In order to use git Check git version Command: git -version If not install, add it to your server (Centos) sudo yum install git-all Create local Repository: Command: git init Add all file to your local git command: git add -u * Commit them to your local repository command git commit <file> -m “some comment”
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